Who Viewed Your Instagram Account? Everything You Need To Know

Like other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat, Instagram has also become integral to our daily lives. It’s no surprise that more and more users are beginning to feel like they must follow their friends on Instagram…

Here is some of the press that me and my companies have received
I've been very fortunate to be able to share my story and startups on over 100+ sites so more people can learn about my personal life and my future plans with Young Slacker, Flux Chargers, Future Sharks and Flux Ventures. Below are some…

Wondering how I made $110k/mo selling Flux Chargers? or got 600k/mo visitors to my sites? I document everything I learn, the tools I use, and the experiments I run on my site. If you want to be notified when I…

How To Download TikTok Videos Anonymously Without A Watermark?

Like a million other people, you’ve probably already downloaded TikTok. You’re most likely hooked. It’s hard not to swipe through fast-paced, looping content that includes everything from old memes to new, unique content. To ensure that you don’t infringe on…

Dispo: The New Photo App You Must Try

If you are a Gen Z or part of the Millennial generation, or if you spent some time over the weekend reading the newest tech stories, you’ve probably heard of Dispo. Do you recall the era of disposable cameras? They’re…

How To Download Youtube Playlist: A Comprehensive Guide

Want to watch YouTube videos offline? With my easy-to-use guide, I can download any YouTube playlist in just a few simple steps with my easy-to-use guide.  I’ll show you the best free online tools and how to use them to…

7 Ways To Get Featured on Forbes, Mashable, Inc, Techcrunch, Entrepreneur and others for FREE

Getting people to know about your projects and your story through press is essential for your success. Over the last 12-16 months I’ve appeared on Inc, Linkedin Pulse, various podcasts, TV interviews and printed media such as Forbes Magazine. I’ve…