Here is some of the press that me and my companies have received

I’ve been very fortunate to be able to share my story and startups on over 100+ sites so more people can learn about my personal life and my future plans with Young Slacker, Flux Chargers, Future Sharks and Flux Ventures. Below are some of those places (I bolded my favorite ones).
Want to guest post on my site(s)? Check my guest posting rules.
🔥 Do you want to get covered by many sites? Check this bundle or Viral Wire to get covered on even larger sites.
English articles:
- Inc: How This UCLA Grad Plans to Become the President of Bolivia also featured on Linkedin Pulse Channels for Entrepreneurship, Latin America, Career, Education and Technology: This UCLA Grad is Taking Silicon Valley By Storm (He also plans to become President of Bolivia)
- Inc: The Shortest Path to $1 Million in E-Commerce Business
- The Tab: Meet Alejandro Rioja: Bruin by day, entrepreneur by night
- Authority Magazine: Optimal Performance Before High Pressure Moments; How To Relieve Stress, Clear Your Head, and Prepare Yourself For High Stakes Business Encounters
- Yahoo: An Optimized Keyword Clustering Algorithm by Alejandro Rioja Is Now Revealed
- Also on Seeking Alpha, Benzinga, Marketwatch.
- Sociable: Bolivia-born CEO Goes From Street Peddling Portable Chargers to Dominating Global Market in 18 months
- XMarketingPro: “SEO is my passion” says Alejandro Rioja
- Marketing on Too Many Platforms Can Lead to a Lack of Focus
- KTVN: Alejandro Rioja creates new Zap to make automatic AMP Stories at scale
- TheTab: Meet the UCLA students dominating the start-up world
- Marketwatch: Alejandro Rioja creates a novel SEO keyword clustering algorithm using Adwords and Clearbit data
- Also on Digital Journal, MenaFM.
- Thrive Global (Arianna Huffington’s new firm):
- DailyBruin: Student startup Flux charged for future with portable battery
- StartupSavant: Alejandro Rioja, A Multi-passionate Serial Entrepreneur & Founder of Young Slacker, Flux.LA and Flux Ventures, LLC
- Business Collective:
- Tell Me Nothing: Alejandro Rioja: Bolivian, Passionate Entrepreneur, Investor And More
- The Startup Mag: Using Business Skills In The Real World Through The Eyes Of Flux Ventures Ceo, Alejandro Rioja
- Disrupt: SEO transformed Flux Chargers. Alejandro Rioja shares his story
- Rahul Digital: An Interview With Alejandro Rioja Founder Of Young Slacker And Flux Ventures
- KivoDaily: Meet Alejandro Rioja: The Young Entrepreneur Crushing The SEO Industry
- ImprintLab: 8 Questions with Alejandro Rioja
- Entrepreneur News: Meet Alejandro Rioja: The Young Entrepreneur Behind The Success Of Flux Chargers
- Naven Pillai: Top 28 SEO Blogs To Read in 2019
- Buzzfeed: 3 Things You Didn’t Know About Alejandro Rioja
Quoted here:
- Forbes:
- The Next Web: 8 things you need to know about the new App Store
- Databox:
- Lowering Facebook CPL
- Improving Ecomm Conversion Rate,
- YT SEO tips
- Boost Organic CTR
- SEO Metrics to track
- Slack apps
- Leveraging KPIs and OKRs
- New vs. Returning Visitors: finding the right balance
- 23 Tips for Tracking Sales Activity with HubSpot CRM
- How to use UTM codes in Google Analytics
- Facebook Video Ads
- Google Analytics goals
- What is page per session and how to improve it
- How to improve posts engagement on a Facebook page
- Ways to increase your mobile app conversion rate
- Ecommerce Profit Margins: 15 Ways to Improve Your Store’s Gross Profit
- 12 of the Best Social Media Tools for Marketers to Promote, Sell, & Manage Their Brand
- 16 Email Marketing Metrics
- Zapier Examples
- 24 Benefits of Using Asana for Reporting on Work Progress
- Best Shopify Features, Metrics & Tips for Dashboards & Reporting
- 24 Underrated Google Analytics Features You Should Use More Often
- Custom Google Analytics Dashboards
- Sales Goals OKRs
- Instagram Analytics Tools
- ROI vs. ROMI
- How to optimize Twitter ads
- UTMs in GA
- Dashboard Best Practices
- 7 Metrics to Include in Your Management Dashboard
- ThirdRock Techkno: Expert Insights: How to Start a Tech Business as a Non-Techie Co-Founder
- Expert Advice: Best screen recording software
- RevenueHits: Top 20 SEO Tips from Industry Leaders
- Future of Everything: Ask The Thought Leaders: What’s the Future of Snapchat?
- Small Biz Trends: 12 Tips for Hiring the Right Person
- The Art of Service: Trusted remote team management routine
- Pearl Lemon: 57 Experts Share Their Predictions For SEO Trends in 2021
- Business2Community: How to Convey Authenticity in Your Marketing Strategy
- International Business Consulting: How to increase Facebook followers for your business page?
- All Business: 14 SEO Rankings Tips, Best Tips to increase productivity
- SmartBrief:
- Poynter Institute: Improve Search Optimization: Digital Experiences that Drive Results (slides 75-78)
- Vanity Stardom: 22 Year Young SEO Mastermind: Alejandro Rioja
- Einsstark: 6 Best Reverse Image Search Engines & Websites
- Marion: 5 ways to reduce your Facebook CPL
- CBNation:
- Sharethis: Most Important Blogging Trends Bloggers Should Be Aware of in 2020 & Beyond
- Copyproblogger: Why Choose Content Marketing Toolkit?
- Pearl Lemon: 57 Experts Share Their Predictions For SEO Trends in 2021
- Vocation Village: Tech Skills In Demand in Austin, TX
Guest Posts
- Inc: Why Attitude and Will Are All You Need to Launch a Company
- HuffingtonPost:
- Foster Great Company Culture With These 3 Tips
- How to Boost Your Chances of Going Viral on LinkedIn
- How to Find a Niche + Ways to Determine if Your Niche is Indeed Profitable (This article was a Top Story on Google for the week!)
- Thrive Global
- iFour Technolab: Top 10 Ecommerce Trends to Boost Your Business
Audio interviews:
- iHeart Radio: Interview entrepreneur Alejandro Rioja
- Mixergy: How Flux Chargers got traction
- Up My Influence: Business Growth and SEO Solutions with Alejandro Rioja
Video Interviews:
- Ontraport – Modern Ontrapreneur: Youth Does Not Equal Inexperience (transcript here)
- Future Forward Sales: Growth Through Innovation and Experimentation With Alejandro Rioja
If you would like to be on the home page of Future Sharks, message me on Facebook!
Speaking Engagements
- TEDxDonBosco: Cómo vivir la vida de tus sueños. (video was lost unfortunately)
- Outranking Suumit: How to build a scalable SEO machine
- Ontrapalooza – How to Make a Million-Dollar Ecommerce Store
- Parent Heart Watch – 3 Easy SEO tips for Small Business Owners and How to go VIRAL on social media
Spanish articles (Artículos en español):
- Forbes Bolivia (also in print): El Nerd
- El Deber:
- Página Siete: El boliviano que creó una empresa de cargadores de celulares y hoy gana millones
- EjuTV: Alejandro Rioja Manrique: En dos años, Rioja pasó de vendedor callejero a millonario
- ShareThis: 28 profesionales del blog revelan las tendencias más importantes que los blogueros deben conocer en el 2020 y más allá
- Correos del Sur:
- El País: El boliviano que creó una empresa de cargadores de celulares y hoy gana millones
- SoyEmprendedor: Joven boliviano crea una gran empresa
- RC Bolivia: Alejandro Rioja, boliviano, vendedor ambulante de cargadores portátiles que ingresa al mercado mundial
- ATB: Conoce al joven boliviano que inició un emprendimiento en EEUU que lo llevó al éxito
- Adicto al éxito: Cómo Empezar Una Empresa Exitosa Con Alejandro Rioja
- Opinion Bolivia: Alejandro crea un cargador y se vende en 80 países
- Que No Me Pierda: Con Alejandro Rioja
Press about my startups and projects
- WatchMeTalk (a free Google Glass app for the hearing impaired that provided them with closed captioning on their Google Glass display) was featured in the BBC, Gazelle and was one of the main attractions at the 2015 Deaf Conference in Atlanta.
- Flux Chargers (a sleek portable charger) has been ranked #1 in the world by sites like Yahoo Tech, Mashable, Engadget, and a ton of other big sites.
- Poos Caboose (a mobile game) was featured in 155 countries on the App Store, and was covered by Adicto Al Exito, Página Siete and El Episodio.
- 6BLabs (my startup incubator in Bolivia) was covered by Pagina7, Opinion, Join4It, Bolivia Emprende, EjuTV, Correos Del Sur, LaunchwayMedia, and others.