Mobile SEO Mistakes You Need To Avoid

Comments (4)
  1. Brian says:

    I believe in the 80/20 rule. you know, where 80 of all reward comes from 20 of the effort? Well, I believe your blog is that 20. I’ve added you to the list of sites that I frequent. Thank you for the in depth and detailed blog posts. Not many people are willing to do that anymore.

  2. Shivam Sahu says:

    Thanks for the great tips! I’m new to online marketing, and this is really helpful! Since getting started, I’ve been bombarded by “spin writers” and such to create a TON of content quickly, but you seem to say that these search engines have become sophisticated enough to determine when your content is crap. Am I understanding that right?

    1. Yes, the best way to build a long-term blog is to write useful and thorough content. Posting spinned content is just not a good idea.

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