As I have built my business on the internet for seven years, I am still learning the ins and outs of various features of online platforms to help me increase my presence.
One of the tools I have used over the years is Facebook. I also have written about how to get verified on Facebook and invite more people to a page in case you are looking for guidance in these areas.
In this article, I will share with you how you can make use of Facebook polls.
My goal is to help you harness this feature to assist you in gaining more clicks and customers.
Before I show you more, watch this video to help you put up a great Facebook page.
Why do Facebook polls work
For starters, Revive Social cited the following as the reasons why you should post Facebook polls on your page:
- Use polls to get feedback from your followers. Most companies build their customer connections by asking them what they think about their products and services. Doing this before you release a new product or during a sale would help you learn more about them.
- Polls increase your chance of getting more traffic. Once you post a poll on Facebook, you can use this to convince people to support your brand. Depending on how many people you invite or how much your followers share your poll, you can increase your page’s visibility in the long run.
- Keep your page active when using polls. Having polls on your page would help you stay consistent in updating it. Doing this will help keep your brand visibility high. Aside from that, there will be a chance of getting more people to support your brand every day.
- Increase your knowledge of your customer base through polls. Due to its interactive nature, you can convince your users to share their opinion through your polls. Aside from that, their friends can find an interest and share the survey and their advice.
- Add one once in a while to keep your page entertaining. Posting as often as you can is an important thing to keep your brand engaging and on top of your advertising game. This will help keep your audience on their toes.
Types of Facebook polls
All-in-all, there are three types of Facebook polls you can create. You can use each one on your Facebook page to include polls.
The built-in poll on Facebook
Once Facebook bought several polling companies in the past, they added this feature where anyone could post polls on stories and groups.
Creating a poll on a Facebook group
Once you login to Facebook, visit one of the groups where you are either a member or an admin in. If you were redirected to a different tab once it loads, go to the discussion tab first.
After that, click on the “Create Post” option and click the ellipses to see the full menu. Click on “Poll,” and it will generate a list of two options with two checkmarks.
After filling up the first two choices, you can add more options by clicking “Add Option.” You can also set it to let other people choose more than one answer or add more options while they answer.
Creating one through your story
To create one using your Story, you would have to log into your Facebook account on any mobile device.
After that, you would have to tap “Add to Story.” Scroll to the right and tap the “Poll” option.
The screen below shows what you will see. Unlike the poll for the Facebook group, you can only have two options for this type of poll. This is also where you can ask the question and fill in the “Yes” and “No” options however you want.
You can also notice that you can add stickers, text, or effects at the top right corner. There is also an option to choose a background and tag people to answer your poll.
At the bottom left, you can save your poll for later. Aside from that, you can also select whether you want this specific story to be shown to everyone on Facebook or restrict it to several people or your own friends’ list.
Once you are satisfied with these changes, you can tap “Done,” It will be shown as a Story for 24 hours.
Comparison photos
Unlike the first two methods, this type of Facebook poll involves posting at least two pictures and adding a caption that asks anyone who encounters the post about their opinion.
As an example, look at the ESPN post below. They added five athletes representing those whose teams will enter the Super Bowl and asked which one of their teams will win in the next event.
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When creating this form of a Facebook poll, you can create one on your own PC browser or Facebook app. Simply create a post on your business page with a group of at least two pictures and make the appropriate caption with a question.
Relevant: Here’s how you can change your FB page name
Posting a simple question
The simplest form of having a poll is to post a question on your Facebook page. As an example, let us take the post from Hulu below:
This form of census not only asks for input from your intended audience. It also allows people to respond more frequently to this post.
Creating this post is similar to creating the Facebook photo poll earlier. For this type, however, you would simply have to type in a question.
Asking a question with a link
This form of polling is one of the most popular types found in most pages today. It is made for visitors to engage with your business’ Facebook page and give you more views on your website.
In the example above, TabloTV opted to ask its page followers on which cast from a past show they would want to add to a favorite show airing now. Doing this will help them learn what old and new favorites the respondents want to add to their list of shows.
They also made a few suggestions on which person should come on which show, which shows their knowledge of the shows they want or have hosted on their platform.
Also Read: What is Facebook marketplace?
Tips on how to make your visitors engage your Facebook polls
After learning the type of polls you can make on Facebook, let us explore how you can make use of this post format to the fullest to increase your brand awareness.
Think of an interesting question
All polls start with a good question. When asking one for your audience, you should make sure of the following things:
- Make sure the topic is one of the most trending through SEO research
- Pick a popular topic that has been asked by one of your competitors
- Ask a question that is related to your brand in some way
Make your poll straight-to-the-point
For this tip, there are several rules to follow. Overall, there are two tips to keep in mind.
Keep it simple
Avoid asking questions that are too long. Your questions should be at least 120 characters short. Ask only one thing per question.
Speaking of keeping things short, you should also define any abbreviations found in the article. Doing this will help avoid any confusion. For example, everyone will understand the question, “What do you think about the recent NASA launch?” if you were a space-themed cafe.
On the other hand, if you have a small pharmacy, posting a question such as “What was the one thing you did AMA?” would confuse most of your visitors. After this question, explain that the abbreviation means “Against Medical Advice.”
Ask positive questions
You want your viewers to view your brand in a positive light. As an example, you want to ask either, “What did you not like about our Product X?” instead of “What did you think about Product X?”
If you chose the first question, it would only leave negative reviews about your product. Asking the second question will help you get answers from satisfied and unsatisfied customers. That way, future visitors can choose freely whether to support your product or not.
Start with several options
When asking a poll where you would list more than one option, you can have between two to five. Going past this would make your poll seem uninteresting because of the possibilities they have to choose.
Allow your audience to add options
Speaking of multiple options, you can make your poll more interactive by asking your visitors to add more. Doing this will help you look like you are receptive to people’s opinions and ready to change based on their tastes.
Keep your poll pinned
This rule is applicable, especially if you post content every day. Aside from that, you can only pin the poll when you post it on a group or page.
Doing this will help get both your old and new visitors to keep interacting with your page. It will also help everyone get an idea of what your page is like.
Regularly invite people to vote
This final tip will help you convert visitors to future customers for your Facebook page. You can invite people by tagging people or pages using the @ sign. Aside from that, you can convince your visitors to share this post through their timeline or messenger.
Wrapping up!
In this article, we explored the use of Facebook polls for your business. You can increase your brand awareness and customer connections, depending on the type of survey you post.
Aside from that, we explored my tips on how to make them effective. From inviting people to vote to asking them to fill up more options, there are many strategies to make it more interactive and increase its respondents.
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