We’ve all been there.
Applying to all companies just to never hear back or getting rejected right away.
Here’s a script that you can use to apply to your dream job on AngelList.
function scrollToBottom(){
bottom = document.body.scrollHeight;
current = window.innerHeight+ document.body.scrollTop;
if((bottom-current) >0){
window.scrollTo(0, bottom);
//wait a few
setTimeout ( 'scrollToBottom()', 1500 );
(function() {
var placeholderString,
str = '';
.filter(function(_, elem) {
return ($(elem).attr('data-force-note') );
.each(function(_, elem) {
// Find the URL for each job listing.
.find('.top a[href]')
.each( function(idx, value) { str += $(value).attr('href') + "\n"; });
// Get the company and contact info
placeholderString = $(elem)
// Split placeholder string into words:
placeholderWords = placeholderString.split(' ');
// Grab name of recruiter/contact
contactName = placeholderWords[4];
// Grab company name
companyName = $(elem).find('.startup-link').text();
// Build personalized note
customNote = "Hi " + contactName + "! Would love to join " + companyName + " using my diverse set of skills. Let's chat!";
// .header-info .tagline (text)
jobDescription = $(elem).find('.tagline').text();
// .header-info .startup-link (href attr)
jobUrl = $(elem).find('.startup-link').attr('href');
// Compile and format job information
jobInfo = companyName + '\n' + jobDescription + '\n' + str + '\n\n';
// Get job data for your own records
// Comment this out to verify your customNote
// console.log(customNote + '\n');
// Add your custom note.
// Comment these lines out to debug
.find('.interested-note').text( customNote );
//Comment these lines out to debug
.each( function(idx, button) { $(button).click(); });
// Print all of the company and job info to the console.
return jobInfo;
How to use the auto-apply to all jobs script

- Go to https://angel.co/jobs and use the filters related to your job search (i.e. Product Manager, SF)
- Copy the script
- Open the console (option+cmd+j) and paste it
- Edit the customNote message (optional)
- Hit enter
- Get hired
There’s a maximum number of active applications you can have on AngelList. I’m not sure how many those are but I estimate it around ~100, so be a bit more selective in your filters.
From AngelList:
Candidates: What does it mean that I’ve hit the application limit?
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PS: Ready to work with the 0.01% of all SEOs worldwide? Click here.
At this time, the number of outstanding applications a candidate can have are limited. As they expire or are processed, you’ll be able to apply to more jobs. We encourage candidates to take the time to understand the company and be selective with their applications, instead of openly applying to every job out there.
Ultimately this improves the experience for both sides – companies will get higher quality applications and candidates will be more likely to get a timely response.
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