It truly is difficult to compete in the content marketing market as more and more businesses are doing amazing efforts. However, it is not impossible. The first thing is to offer your readers content that brings value. Offer answers to relevant questions that your customers have. Lately, live-streaming and video content are things that are piquing the interest of the customers. It’s a more entertaining way of presenting the information.
Another important field that marketers should focus on is AI. Data analysis and determining the patterns of the customers are extremely important. Knowing the user intent is the way to a more profitable future and creating loyal customers. Also, smart assistants are rapidly becoming more used, so searches via voice commands can be a good content strategy for businesses. In that direction, VR, AR, and chatbots can be used to offer extremely personalized content without the extra work of doing all of that manually.
The content marketing sphere is fiercely competitive in an already-saturated market, but this doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to compete. Even when the competition is fierce, businesses can carve their own space in the market, especially in an environment where the rules shift as frequently as the digital marketing industry.
The dynamic nature of the digital marketing sphere is a double-edged sword as it can be both advantageous and disadvantageous.
It can be disadvantageous to those who are already doing well because the techniques and strategies that they are currently using may not always be as effective.
On the other hand, this is advantageous to those who are trying to get into the top spot because it ensures that no single competitor can monopolize the industry by employing the same tactics forever. A new year is here, and so is a new opportunity. How will you make the most of it?
1. Results-Focused Content
The harsh reality about content is that readers aren’t going to be interested in your content unless they get something out of it, whether it’s in entertainment or information value.
With this in mind, it’s important to know what your customers are looking for when they visit your website. This usually means that you need to be able to provide complete answers to queries.
If you want to increase web traffic, building links with guest blogging is a great way to start, especially if you’re able to work with businesses that have a good reputation.
2. Live-Streaming And Video Content
Another upcoming trend comes in the form of live content. What makes live-streaming so popular is that it provides content creators with an opportunity to engage with their audience in real-time.
This allows them to answer any questions that may arise and it also helps create a more conversational interaction with your audience through real-time viewer comments as well as post-session feedback polls.
The latter is also a great way to determine what direction your customers would want you to take, whether it’s in what features they want to see added to a certain product, or in what suggestions they might have regarding other concerns.
What makes video content and live-streaming so potent is that they’re tools that can provide both information and entertainment.
After all, entertaining content is much easier to absorb because people are actually enjoying the content and the medium it is being transmitted on.
3. User Intent
A major effect that artificial intelligence is going to have on SEO is that it will be able to analyze user patterns to determine user intent.
This helps Google direct users to websites that AI believes are relevant to the search and the searcher. This change is going to be very beneficial for websites that contain complete information and a clear call to action.
It will also give businesses an opportunity to put content on their websites that accurately defines themselves and their products and services.
The important thing to note here is that by determining user intent, businesses will have an easier time providing the right content on their website, which can increase Google rankings.
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While we may never know the exact metrics that Google uses to rank pages, we do know that they want to provide the best possible user experience for searchers. Instead of shooting in the dark, businesses will be able to use user intent to optimize their websites.
4. Voice Search SEO
Smart Assistants are here to stay. They are rapidly becoming more and more popular in most modern homes and they will continue to see more use. These devices enable users to not only make searches via voice command, but also to make these searches in a more conversational tone.
This means that businesses need to match the way that users are verbalizing their search queries by providing content that is much more natural-sounding.
The importance of this lies in an SEO perspective because it’s what’s going to provide web content creators with the information needed to tailor their content in a way that speaks to Google’s algorithm.
5. Personalized Content Through VR, AR, and Chatbots
Businesses are constantly trying to establish a much better relationship with their target audience. Message personalization is one of the most effective ways to do this because the message is able to show a recipient a good degree of acknowledgment.
Unfortunately, as positive as this may be, the one thing that hinders most companies from sending out personalized communications is that it takes a lot of extra work.
However, thanks to technologies like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and AI-powered chatbots, businesses are going to be able to automate the process or even create a new means of interaction that will help create a much more personalized experience for customers.
Virtual Reality – refers to visual-focused technology that is able to create an immersive virtual world for the user. The hardware required for a convincing virtual reality experience is expensive, which limits its use. However, despite being in its early stages of use, virtual reality holds a lot of potential in the marketing industry. For example: a home seller can use virtual reality to showcase a house’s features to their intended buyers, or a car manufacturing company can give a similar virtual tour to prospective buyers.
Augmented Reality – refers to visual hardware that helps augment what a user is currently seeing. New information can be displayed along with current information to provide a more in depth understanding of what the user is looking at. This can be used in a manner similar to how virtual reality is used, except that the item can be physically present and the user is given free-rein to discover a product’s features. Better yet, augmented reality can be used to highlight the parts of a product that a company wants a prospective buyer to focus on. It is, in essence, a guided tour of a product, except that you’re holding the actual product.
What’s great about both technologies is that they are also available on VR core-equipped smartphones, which means that the technologies have a good number of applications because they are available on consumer-grade devices that almost everyone has.
AI-Powered Chatbots
Unlike the two previous technologies, chatbots are rather commonplace by today’s standards. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing because this means that there is potent support behind the technology. However, that doesn’t mean that chatbots aren’t in need of improvements. This is especially true when most people are able to distinguish chatbots from actual customer representatives.
The rationale behind the preference of real human beings over chatbots is that an actual person is going to be able to take your query into context and a person is going to be able to hold a much better conversation than a chatbot.
With this in mind, it’s not necessarily the idea of talking to a machine that turns people off, but rather, the notion that they’re going to get better help from a human who can understand and relate to what the customer needs.
You can sign up for a chatbot on Manychat.
However, with the help of artificial intelligence, a well-programmed chatbot is going to be able to communicate effectively with customers to a degree that it is indistinguishable from real humans.
The most essential thing about AI-powered chatbots is that they can essentially enable companies to automate the bulk of customer service tasks, which will save the company valuable resources, including manpower.
The true value of personalized content is that it creates a much more personal connection to the target audience, which in turn, gives a sense of value to the audience.
6. Build Content Communities
One of the biggest trends in the content marketing area in the last year has been building content communities. This is not surprising at all since from the start of the pandemic things have changed a lot both in communication and communities. Communication shifted online, and personalization has become a very big thing in marketing. In this context, building communities in the area of creating and sharing content can allow marketers to expand with minimal resources.
The reason why this trend will grow even further is the fact that there are limited resources and high output demands, and the amount of content that marketers can produce with high-quality is limited. In the case of using such content communities, access to expert writers and engaging content creators will be open. Additionally, in a time where most of us feel socially distanced and crave feeling a part of a community, reaching out in such communities is very valuable for many people.
Wrapping up!
Understanding digital marketing trends not only ensures that you know what techniques will be the most effective in the coming year, but also ensures that you’re able to develop ways to properly integrate these methods into your marketing campaigns.
Remember that knowledge is not only power, knowledge also translates eventually into profit.
Therefore, the well-informed creators are the ones who are most likely to dominate the market space because they know which aspects of content marketing to dedicate their resources to.
This, in turn, not only allows them to make effective marketing decisions, but also allows them to reserve resources that they can put to much better use in the near future for more important endeavors.
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